Purchasing an Auto Mechanic’s Toolbox: Things to Consider


Have you thought about buying a toolbox to be a technician? There any many different tool boxes and I hope I can give you some value when purchasing a tool box. Buying a tool box should be thought as a long term investment. If you buy quality brands your tool box will last forever and could be handed down through your generation. The brand is not that important as it isthe key factors listed below but Matco, Mac, and Snap-on are good brands to check out. Overall quality of the box and making sure it is well built is very important. Tool boxes can cost from $500 to at least $10,000. Having a budget and shopping around is the most important thing when purchasing a box. A tool truck will always charge more then finding someone on craigslist or other sources. Make sure you look around before buying. If you need you tool box towed to a shop just click here.

10 Key Factors to think about when Purchasing.

  1. Budget
  2. Ball Bearing
  3. Drawers Size
  4. Quality Wheel Casters
  5. Locking Mechanism
  6. Weight of Box (Heavier the Better)
  7. Height of Box
  8. How is Put Together?
  9. Warranty

If you have any questions about tool boxes just let me know.